Selasa, 29 Juni 2010


1. What is the weather like ? It is the rainy
Is it snow? No, it is not.

2. What does this man like doing ?
>>The man likes gardening.
>>The man likes planting flowers.

3. What is this object like ?
>>It is like a ball.
(Object--- show the shape).

4. What does this girl look like ?
>>She look likes a princes.

5. What does She/He look like? (look like --> we need to describe)
>>She look likes long hair, blue eyes, small, tall.

6. What would you like ?
>>I would like ice cream.

7. What do you like ?
>>I like fruits.

The different
1. What would you like ? ---> right now.
2. What do you like ? -----> in general time.

For each answer choose the correct question.

1. What does he look like ?
2. What does she like?
3. What would you like?
4. How is he?
5. What's she like?
6. What was it like?

a. Fantastic. They played for more than 3 hours .( sport game)
b. He's doing well, thank you.
c. He's tall, dark and handsome.
d. Playing golf, reading and going to the cinema.
e. A steak, please.
d. Very interesting, she has travelled all over the world.

The answer
1. c
2. d
3. e
4. b
5. f
6. a

Ask the right question with "like".
Read the following sentences aloud and ask your partner to ask an appropriate question.
1. Oh, she is very interesting. She is very involved on community activities and loves the outdoors.
>> What is she like?

2. He's fine, thank you.
>>How is he ?

3. Just awful, it hasn't stopped raining for the last three days.
>>What is the weather like?

4. Reading science fiction, watching classic films on late night TV.
>>What do you like?

5. Very pretty, she's got short blond hair, blue eyes and a usually wears jeans and t-shirt.
>>What does she look like?

6. A beer, if that's no problem.
>>What do you like?

7. He's quite the entertainer. He loves having people over for dinner.
>>What is he like?

8. It can be spicy and sweet. It's delicious.
>> What is it like?

9. It's a painting of countryside with lots of flowers in the foreground.
>> What does look like?
>>What is it like ?

10. He can be difficult at times.
>> What is he like ?

Senin, 21 Juni 2010

Quantifiers for food
Any container, weight or measurement device can be used as a quantifier. in addition, there shapes quantifiers that are specific to the item.

Rice : a grain, a bowl, a sack, a box
Pasta : a piece, a package, a bag
Bread : a loaf, a slice, a piece
chocolate : a piece, a square, a bar
Beer : a mug, a glass, a bottle, a keg
Honey : a spoonful, a jar
Meat : a slice, a steak, a chop, a roast, a fillet
Butter : a piece, a slice, a pat, a stick, a pound, a cup
Coffee : a cup, a pot
Non-count nouns (just a few!)
fluids : water, coffee, tea, milk, oil, wine, beer, soda, etc.
solids : ice, bread, butter, cheese, meat, etc.
particles : rice, corn, flour, sugar, popcorn, pepper, salt, cinnamon, oregano (spice names) tea, coffee, etc

Food and drinks partitives
for ex : " May I have a slice of pizza?

1.start here
2. ...a can of...
3. Free
4. ...a slice of...
5. Go forward 3 spaces
6. ...a bottle of...
7. Go back 2 spaces
8. ... a bar of...
9. ... a box of...
10. ...a piece of...
11. Free
12. ...a bag of...
13. ...a cup of...
14. ...a bottle of...
15. Go back 3 spaces
16. ...a glass of...
17. ... a glass of...
18. Free
19. ... a glass of...
20. Go Forward 3 spaces
21. ...a piece of...
23. Go Back 13 spaces
24. ... a bowl of...
25. Finish

Unhealthy Breakfast

A. Reading
Jack is a bachelor. He works in downtown Chicago as a shoe salesman. Every morning on his way to work, Jack stops at a donut shop and buys a chocolate donut and a cup of coffee. Jack like this morning routine because it is quick and easy. He doesn't have to cook breakfast or wash the dishes.
Last time Jack went to the doctor for a check-up his doctor told him that he had high cholesterol. The doctor told Jack to stop eating foods that are high in fat. Donut are fired in a lot of fat.

B.True or False

1. ........Jack is a shoe salesman in Seattle, Washington.
2. ....... Jack is married, but he and his wife are getting a divorce.
3. ....... The nurse told Jack to stop eating fatty foods like donuts.
4. ....... In the picture, Jack is sitting on a stool and drinking coffee.
5. ....... Donut are healthy because they are fried in fat.

The answer
1. False, the correct sentence is: Jack is a shoe salesman in Chicago.
2. False, the correct sentence is : Jack is not married, because Jack is bachelor. Bachelor mean is single.
3. False, the correct sentence is : The doctor told Jack to stop .....
4. True.
5. False. the correct sentence is : Donut are unhealthy because they are fried in a lot of fat.

C. Writing - Write a conversation between Jack and his doctor

Doctor : Jack, your cholesterol is high. You need to eat healthy foods with little fat.
Jack : But I like to eat chocolate donuts, hamburgers, and fries.
Doctor : .......................................................
Jack :............................................
Doctor : ......................................................
Jack : ........................................................
Doctor : ........................................................
Jack : ........................................................
Doctor : ........................................................

the answer
Doctor : okay, you can eat it but just a little bit and don't eat it everyday.
Jack : Why can I eat everyday?
Doctor : Because they are unhealthy food for you.
Jack : Can you explain more for me?
Doctor : They are had a lot of fat and that is no good for your health.
Jack : Okay, I will try. thank you. You had give me more information.
Doctor : You should eat some fruit and vegetables.

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