Senin, 26 Juli 2010


1. To move or act swiftly: hurry.
2. To make sudden or swift attack or charge.
3. To flow or surge rapidly, often with noise.
Example: Tons of water rushed over the falls
4. Football. To move the ball by running.

1. To cause to move or act with unusual haste or violence.
2. To perform with great haste : rushed completion of the project.
3. To attack swiftly and suddenly : Infantry rushed the enemy after the artillery barrage.
5. To entertain or pay great attention to : They rushed him for their fraternity.
6. Football. To run at ( a passer or kick) in order to block or disrupt a play.

1. A sudden forward motion.
2. Surging emotion : a rush of shame.
3. General haste or busyness : The office always operates in a rush.
4. A sudden attack.
5. A rapid, often noisy flow or passage. See synonyms at flow.
6. The intensely pleasurable sensation experienced immediately after use a stimulant or a mind-altering drug.


1. To move or act with speed or haste.
2. To cause to move or act with speed or haste. : hurried the children to school.
3. To cause to move or act with undue haste : rush: was hurried into marriage.
4. To speed the progress or completion of: expedite. See synonyms at speed.

1. The act or an instance of hurrying : hastened progress.
2. Activity or motion that often unduly hurried : haste. See synonyms at haste.
3. The need or wish to hurry:a condition of urgency : in no hurry to leave.

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